Forex Trading is a market where the countries' currencies are mutually valued and bought and sold. It is an abbreviation formed from the English words 'Foreign Exchange.' FX is even shorter for Forex. It is the world's largest and most liquid financial market. Euro, US Dollar, British Pound, Swiss Franc, and Japanese Yen are these markets' most traded (major) parities.
Canadian Dollar, Australian Dollar, Brazilian Real, South African Rand, South Korean Won, and Turkish Lira have also become forex market trading products heavily traded together with the globalizing markets.
Since international forex trading works continuously for 24 hours, the foreign exchange prices (rates) constantly change depending on the expectations and the news flow. Currency is not only a medium of exchange but also a price depending on the mutual economic performance of the countries. In forex trading platforms, exchange rates are generally defined as the amount of national currency per unit of currency (or exchangeable with it).
Exchange rates can also be defined as the amount of foreign currency equivalent to 1 unit of national currency. The rates are considered as 1 USD = 1,49 AUD or 1 AUD = 0.67 USD. These two quotes are inverse of each other. First, the currency’s value in terms of a national currency is expressed; this is called direct quoting. In the second, the external value of the national currency, its price in foreign currency, is shown; This is also called indirect quotation.

Participants of forex market trading are central banks, commercial banks, international companies, portfolio management firms, insurance companies, hedge funds, and individual investors. Forex is a very liquid market that today’s investors with different amounts of investments market participants can access around the clock with just an internet connection. Although they operate in different geographical regions, Forex trading markets constantly contact each other through various electronic infrastructure investments. Any of the foreign exchange markets in the world are open within 24 hours.
For example, when it was closed in the USA, branches of multinational European and American banks in these stock exchanges were also opened in the Far East. When the Far East stock markets are closed, the financial markets and centers of the Middle East have been working for two hours, and the European stock markets are just starting to work. European business hours experience the busiest transaction volume. Following Europe, transactions are concentrated in New York working hours. Due to the range in the world time zone, banks in London can transact with the Middle East and Far East markets, including other European and North American markets, during daily working hours.
Those who want to invest in a Forex trading platform step by step are looking for an answer to the question of how to make trading Forex. In Forex currency trading, you can instantly buy and sell foreign currency, like buy and sell precious metals. You can invest in an investment instrument of your choice in online forex currency trading.
You can make a sale at a point where you think you are making a profit by tracking your investments instantly. However, it is necessary to analyze the risks of the instruments you have chosen well. An instrument you have invested in can rapidly decline and put you at a loss.

When you think of Forex trading, the first thing that comes to mind is currency exchange, but there are actually many investment tools in Forex. People who want to participate in Forex ask the question of what transactions are made in Forex.
In Forex, precious metals (gold, silver) can be bought and sold besides foreign exchange transactions. In addition, hundreds of products, such as oil, coffee, and wheat, can be invested.
Is forex trading profitable?
There is both winning and losing with Forex day trading. Therefore, think well when investing and analyze the risks well. Fairmarkets users have a much higher chance of success as they use the most effective tools.
Is Forex reliable?
One of the most important questions in investors' minds considering using Forex is whether Forex is reliable or not. Each country has its own Forex market, which is subject to that country's legal controls. Organizations without a license cannot offer Forex trading. With Fairmarkets, you can safely do all your transactions.
What transactions are made in Forex?
When you think of Forex, the first thing that comes to mind is currency exchange. Still, there are many investment tools in Forex. People who want to participate in Forex ask the question of what transactions are made in Forex. In Forex, precious metals(gold, silver) can be bought and sold besides foreign exchange transactions. In addition, hundreds of products such as oil, coffee, wheat, and so on can be invested.