All products which can be traded are called commodities. The prices of the products, which are considered as commodities, are determined mostly by the demands of the consumers. Products with higher demand are more valuable. The stock exchange where commodity products are traded is called a commodity exchange. The consumer determines the commodities’ trading prices. However, in cases such as war and natural disasters in the country where the product is produced, it is very effective on the prices of commodity products.
For this reason, commodity products are products with a high-risk ratio. Investors may prefer to invest in commodity products, thinking they will gain profits because consumer demand is high. Most of the time, this is the right choice and can provide the investor with big profits quickly. However, a war or a major natural disaster in the country where the product is produced may upset the plans. For this reason, the risk ratios of commodities trading products are quite high.
It is quite easy to invest in commodity products both in the stock market and in Forex. Commodity products can be traded 24 hours a day, five days a week, in the Forex system. Trading in commodities is a transaction made on the stock market. There is no physical buying or selling transaction when the product is bought and sold. When trading in commodities, the investors can invest up to 10 times the amount of money they have.
Commodities trading transactions can be carried out by trading in commodities on Forex trading platforms. Unlike the stock market, you can trade in all world markets with Forex. In addition, the lack of a specific transaction timing is the most important difference between it and the stock market. You can perform your transactions on 5/24 on weekdays.

Commodities options trading can be done with Forex. You can also trade commodities options on Forex with Fairmarkets. In Forex, a leveraged trading market, you can make money when prices rise or fall.
You can earn income on your investment when you predict it will rise and your buying price is exceeded. If you anticipate that the price will decrease, you can make significant gains by placing a sales order for a certain price. It is possible to minimize the risks with these futures contracts.
A commodity index is an investment tool used to measure a commodity's price and investment performance. These indices are often traded on exchanges, allowing investors easier access to commodities without entering the futures trading commodities market. The value of these indices fluctuates based on the underlying commodities and can be traded in the same way as the stock market index.
Commodity indices are different from stocks and bonds. The total return of the commodity index depends on the capital gains or price performance of the commodities in the index. Commodities do not yield dividends or interest. Therefore, an investor is dependent on capital gains for investment performance. The investor cannot earn a return if the commodity price does not rise.

What are the factors affecting commodity prices?
Factors affecting commodities trading prices include seasonal changes, natural disasters, economic activities, and supply and demand. Investors who want to invest in commodities will have the chance to make a suitable investment when they follow the effects of these elements.
Which is the largest commodity exchange?
Commodities are usually traded on futures markets, but some products also have a spot market. For example, CME (Chicago Mercantile Exchange) is the largest commodity exchange globally, where commodities change hands on a forward basis and provide cash or physical settlement at the end of maturity.
How to trade on the commodity exchange?
Commodities trading in the futures markets is divided into speculative and hedging purposes. People who trade commodities for hedging purposes usually appear as manufacturers and companies that use these products in the industry. Those who trade commodities for speculative purposes are investors.
How to invest in commodities on the stock exchange?
You can perform instant and future transactions on the commodities trading platforms. Investors generally prefer the stock market for long-term transactions, as there is a one-sided transaction in the stock market. Before investing in commodities trading in the stock market, investing in instruments predicted to rise is necessary by making a market analysis.
How to invest in agricultural commodities?
Today, investing in agricultural commodities is among the most profitable investment tools. Especially in terms of market monitoring, it provides convenience for new investors. Thanks to the absence of sudden fluctuations in agricultural commodity prices, you can evaluate your savings and earn money with minimum risk. With agricultural commodities trading companies, you can invest in agricultural commodities trading.